Five revolutionary solutions by Ilona Mask

Five revolutionary solutions by Ilona Mask
Дата: Friday March 31st, 2017

This night, for the first time, the Falcon 9 rocket created by the company Space X, owned by Ilon Mask, was re-launched. We will not describe his path to success and dreams, many articles and even books have been written about this. It is better to tell you about his revolutions – decisions that may soon make our world completely different.



In our translation, it sounds like a hyperpipe. What prevents the modern train from traveling at the speed of the aircraft? Air resistance. The solution to this problem is simple and ingenious – we need to clean the air, which means, that we have to put the train into a vacuum. Anyway, the train goes on rails, so why not take the same place by a pipe along which it can fly at a speed of 1220 kilometers per hour?

Space X


Why don’t people fly into space? Because it’s expensive. If the planes were disposable, like space rockets, they would not flew either. Ilon Mask and his company Space X are trying to solve this problem. Yes. The first flights will be relatively expensive. But the hundredth flight will be much cheaper, and after a few million flights even a student on vacation will be able to afford the economy class in such a spacecraft.


This company is already installing solar batteries, charging stations for electric vehicles and systems to increase energy efficiency through free solar energy. But soon the company will go further and there will be whole roofs of houses. Which in fact are huge solar panels. They also have a lot of projects that will change the urban environment and energy consumption patterns once and for all.

Space X – free internet


This is another ambitious project of the space company. How to make the Internet free of charge around the world? It’s very simple – we need to launch about 400 satellites that will cover the entire planet. It’s expensive, someone can say. But it’s possible become the main provider of the Earth.

Colonization of Mars


And, finally, the most ambitious project is the colonization of Mars. Ilon Mask promises to send there a million people. However, he himself believes that this is not a joke – in order to survive a person needs to colonize other worlds. This project seems completely unreal. But, if we go back to the past, we will see that  few years ago his other projects seemed unreal as well, and today we see a completely material embodiment of them.

Why do not our businessmen invest in such projects? Why do they prefer other high-tech technologies, no less expensive projects, such as: football teams, yachts, TV channels, political parties? Ilon Mask seems to have read Azimov, Huxley, Bradbury as a child. And what do our oligarchs read, and whether they read anything at all it’s not clear.


Photos and videos were taken from open sources,

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